Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

Opinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
Web Framework cross platforms based to .net core
Xamarinium is an architectural framework to help develop Mobile Apps using Xamarin following MVVM pattern. It contains flexible controls, services, interfaces, renderers that will help every Xamarin Mobile Developer.
Core language tools or utilities over dependencies
Extensions of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
Extensions of ApplicationInsights for AspNetCore
A middleware for converting basic-auth to bearer tokens using Resource Owner flow for Azure Active Directory
Contains a matrix extension library, along with a suite of numerical matrix decomposition methods, numerical optimization algorithms for constrained and unconstrained problems, special functions and other tools for scientific applications. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Contains probability distributions, statistical models and methods such as Linear and Logistic regression, Hidden Markov Models, (Hidden) Conditional Random Fields, Principal Component Analysis, Partial Least Squares, Discriminant Analysis, Kernel methods and functions and many other related techniq...
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Classes to serialize, deserialize and validate OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 and v4.01. Enables construction of OData services and clients. Targets .NET 8 or above. OData .NET library is open source at Documentation for the library can be found at https://...
Classes to represent, construct, parse, serialize and validate entity data models. Supports OData v4 and v4.01. Targets .NET 8 or above. OData .NET library is open source at Documentation for the library can be found at
EntityFramework integration for Stove.
Library that provides methods that will help you with mocking Entity Framework Core.
Entity Framework Core Tools for the .NET Command-Line Interface. Enables these commonly used dotnet-ef commands: dotnet ef migrations add dotnet ef migrations list dotnet ef migrations script dotnet ef dbcontext info dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold dotnet ef database drop dotnet ef database update