Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
uScoober Driver: Spot SPI bus
Starter MVC4 multi-tenant website by Devkru. It will use: angular-js, bootstrap, angular-ui, modernizr, jquery, jquery-ui. Also: NHibernate, NLog.
Contiene la implementación de los diálogos de notificación, progreso y confirmación para SOLIN ERP.
The core of the Accord.NET Extensions Framework. The framework is an extension framework for Accord.NET and AForge.NET.
Contains classes needed for other libraries such as: collection extensions, structures for parallel processing and extensions shared across libraries.
Libset for agile software development
Libset for agile software development
Libset for agile software development
Cocoon ORM is a simple .NET object-relational mapper alternative to Entity Framework or NHibernate. Cocoon ORM supports SQL Server, and SQL Azure.
Libset for agile software development
Simplr framework Core web helpers
Simplr framework Core Azure WebJobs helpers
Microsoft.Hadoop.Avro resolver AvroPublicMemberContractResolver implementation
SimplePersistence.UoW.EF offers implementations to the SimplePersistence.UoW using the Entity Framework 6 as the ORM.
uScoober Driver Interface: Arduino Pin Compat
Provides Android-specific renderers and types.
Core interfaces and components for the Accidental Fish Application framework
Linq Extension Methods and helpers
Enables integration between the Lacuna PKI SDK and Microsoft .NET Entity Framework for logging and storage.
SimplePersistence.Model.EF extends the SimplePersistence.Model package by exposing dedicated Entity Framework 6 extension methods and classes.