Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
A Simple.Owin extension that provides caching APIs and abstractions
A Simple.Owin extension that provides http cookie APIs and abstractions
A Simple.Owin extension and middleware that provides http form APIs and abstractions
Tools to Speed Up HTML Metro/Modern UI Coding
An AOP framework that can intercept any method call: instance or static, virtual or not. It's very easy to get started with, it has in-depth support of LINQ and Entity Framework and comes with bunch of useful stock aspect classes for DAL, BL, Testing and Service tiers.
An AOP framework that can intercept any method call: instance or static, virtual or not. It's very easy to get started with, it has in-depth support of LINQ and comes with bunch of useful stock aspect classes for DAL, BL, Testing and Service tiers.
StructureMap3 bootstrapping for FubuMVC applications
Provider for Entity Framework 6 allowing EF to work with a VistaDB 5.2 database. For EF 6.0 and later. Requires a separate installation of VistaDB 5.2.
Provider for Entity Framework 4.0 through 5.0 allowing EF to work with a VistaDB 5.2 database. For EF 6.0 and later use the package VistaDB.5.Entity.6. Requires a separate installation of VistaDB 5.2.
LSWFramework For WP8
此为单独发布的For WP8版
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Web
NRepository.TestKit is a collection of helper classes for NRepsoitory.
Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack.Host.AspNet V3
Host NServiceKit in an existing ASP.NET web application at the root path '/'.
NServiceKit is a modern, high-performance, code-first web service framework promoting code and web services best practices. Simple, Fast, Elegant. Websi...
A simple high-peformance portable logging framework for .NET, which follows simple convention over configuration, works with PCL.
Entity Framework drivers for the Ketchup eCommerce framework.
Use Rx additions with Property Framework. Consume sequences of property values and reload calls.
Free and simple profiler and logger for Entity Framework 4 and 5 version
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Desktop
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Mobile