Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
uScoober Driver: Boards.Netduino
LeadPipe.Net.Data provides essential data tier objects including an implementation of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. You can use this package to build your own data implementation, but you might also be interested in the pre-built data implementations such as LeadP...
Unity dependency resolver for the Accidental Fish application framework.
Provides bindings for the android-FlipView project.
Provides boilerplate framework code for an ASP.NET MVC project. ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate is a professional template for building secure, fast, robust and adaptable web applications or sites. It provides the minimum amount of code required on top of the default MVC template provided by Microsoft. You ...
Crypteron Security Framework Core Library shared by CipherDB, CipherStor, CipherObject and other products.
This is a clean repository pattern abstraction over Entity Framework that is further layered with Unit of Work pattern. This framework helps you to write clean code which dealing with your entity querying and also allows you to add extended operations to each entity service. The major advantages wou...
Queue based logger for the AccidentalFish Application Support framework
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
Reduce your code churn when mapping between your entity and domain layers. Simply have your repositories and entities inherit from the provided classes and interfaces, define your AutoMapper config and you're done. Supports IoC injection of database context and AutoMapper configuration.
Selenium+ Test Automation Framework
Web Extensions Methodes
Provides NHibernate-based implementation for the Data Access interfaces in MultiTenancyFramework.Core
Communication components for Pip.Services in .NET
An open source development accelerator designed by the team at Perficient and released to the Sitecore community as a quick-start tool for beginning Sitecore projects.
TWCore Framework.
A multipurpose framework library for .net core
Rocket powered machine learning. Create, compare, adapt, improve - neural networks at the speed of thought.