Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

Mimick is a Fody add-in which provides a framework for applications including dependency injection, contract validation, method caching, custom aspect decorators, and more.
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - DAL Abstraction: should be referenced by project containing Entrity Framework Core DbContext
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Authentication and encryption class library: Authenticated encryption (AE), Secure Remote Password (SRP) and SSL/TLS
This package provides a core VisualGuard library, for accessing VisualGuard runtime and VisualGuard entities. Ex. Create user, Authenticate user, Create Role, Create Group, Create permission, Grant/revoke role to a user, Grant/revoke permission to role, etc. Note: Please make sure you a...
This package is required for data operations when VGServer is used as VisualGuard repository. Note: Please make sure you are using the same nuget package versions for your applications as of VisualGuard WinConsole. If you have the Visual-Guard WinConsole Runtime version '2024.3.2411.07'...
Strongly typed test framework built on top of selenium, to ease test implementation and support paged object model
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
**This package is a fork from** Package to help using Newton JsonSchema package to validate response models from an Integration test using RestFluencing.
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog. Extendd from Thiago Barradas
C# Test Automation Framework based on Selenium.WebDriver to write browser automated tests with ease. Extends the usage of numerous Selenium types, and provides new useful features. Supports Page Object Model design pattern. Notes: This package does not include any test framework o...
EntityFrameworkCode store support for Esquio. For more information see