Top 20 NuGet fluentnhibernate Packages
Simplifies FluentNHibernate connection configuration and allows you to write data-base queries with lambda expressions
Utilities for FluentNHibernate
Validation and testing components for NHibernate.
Boilerplate components for testable and convenient NHibernate development.
FluentFramework is a nHibernate based object-relational mapper (O/RM) that enables .NET developers to work with a database using .NET objects.
Yarn NHibernate Provider
Architectural foundation for building ASP.NET MVC3 applications whit NHibernate very fast.
Provides NHibernate-based implementation for the Data Access interfaces in MultiTenancyFramework.Core
A framework that helps the use of DDD patterns and implementing the infrastructure with NHibernate and FluentNHibernate.
Boot.Multitenancy v.1.6.5
Multitenancy is a NHibernate (ISession) helper for ISessionFactory. Support multiple domains and databases in a single instance. Contains a lot of extensions.
Consult project website for more information.
A has many convention which sets key column
An id convention which sets column
A property convention which sets column
A reference convention which sets column
Multitenancy for AspNetCore 2.0
See hompage for full description.
A database deployer for an all-powerful domain.
Session per request HttpModule for LiteFx.NHibernate.
A class convention which sets table