Top 20 NuGet fluentnhibernate Packages

A property convention which sets custom type binary blob
A proxy convention for interface entities
A reference convention which sets foreign key
A user type convention which sets custom type to ByteType
A user type convention which sets custom type to EnumerableOfStringType
A user type convention which sets custom type to NullableTimeType
A user type convention which sets custom type to UIntType
A user type convention which sets custom type to UShortType
A framework for defining relational data in code and populating a target database using NHibernate
A property convention which sets not nullable
A property convention which sets length for strings
A property convention which sets not nullable
Provides the infrastructure for building multi-tenant solutions (SaaS) using MVC5 and NHibernate
FluentFramework.Observing is a helper tool to make database observing easy.
An attribute used to define an abbreviation for a table name, to be used when deriving column names
A class convention which sets cache to read-write
A class convention which sets dynamic insert
A class convention which sets dynamic update
A class convention which sets not lazyload