Top 20 NuGet fluent Packages

ExcelExport is a simple, fluent API to export data to Excel spreadsheets using OleDb. For sample usage, click the Project Information link.
Simple factory with fluent interface: thin, easy, testable. Use 'Get.The.Service' syntax for your common services in solution, delivered by IoC container.
Simple factory with fluent interface: thin, easy, testable. This is a slave factory, which can be derived from the base factory to provide additional getters also with possibility to override base getters.
Syntax helpers and pattern templates for a certain C# idiomatic style.
Fluent API design for C# and .NET.
A fluent, lightweight, flexible XML builder for .NET
FluentMvc - A library for adding conventions to ASP.NET MVC using a fluent configuration API for registering filters and ActionResults
Lightweight object mapper with support for declarative fluent syntax.
Extensions over NUnit to write fluent assertions with the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern.
A pattern guard-like library for .NET.
Base guidelines for making fluent API
Provides a starter kit for unit testing UOW/Repositories with EF. Compliments the UnitOfWork package.
Features: Full control over the generated XML. POCO approach i.e. no attributes to pollute your domain entities. Fluent DSL for defining the mapping. Strongly typed/refactor-friendly. No reflection. Compability .net Framework 3.5 or higher
An easy way to create xpath expressions for verifying the presence of elements in a document.
A validation library for Knockout. Features include: - value parsing and formatting - property validation - model and sub-model validation - rule chaining - value bindings - CSS bindings -static and dynamic validation summaries -easy to extend, localise, customise -fits in with your markup -extensi...
This is an implementation of the data access interfaces in my Commons Library ( that is based on Fluent NHibernate. For more detailed information and documentation, please visit the GitHub page at You ca...
Eto.Parse is a highly optimized recursive decent LL(k) parser framework that can be used to create parsers for complex grammars that go beyond the capability of regular expressions. You can use BNF, EBNF, or Gold parser grammars to define your parser, code them directly using a fluent API, or use s...
Powerful set of utilities for any kind of string transformations with fluent interface
Cogen is a small library to help you check function arguments using a fluent api.
Dapper.Fluent is a small and easy library that supports fluent API for query construction and execution over database connection using Dapper.Net.