Top 20 NuGet fluent Packages
Fluent ribbon builder for Excel-DNA. It simplifies the creation of the ribbon with Excel-DNA so you don't have to write XML or to create the callback methods.
Argument Assertions provides a fluent, simple and easy to use API for checking valid argument values with strong compile time type checks.
Fluent.Extensions is a netstandard2, net40, net45, net46 class library that defines extension methods used to support method chaining and programming against fluent interfaces. The current version contains shared code from the Collections.Fluent project to support generic colections and the Do() ext...
Lightweight CSV Serializer/Deserializer for use with Tortuga Chain.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities. (ASP.NET Framework 4.5+ WebApi integration)
Provides HtmlHelpers for the FontAwesome CSS framework.
Describe your animation and just run.
A library for verifying HTTP calls, mocked with HttpMock
Easy benchmarks that are statistically accurate
Fluent assertions for an Expecto library
A json string builder, built on `Newtonsoft.Json`'s JToken, using a Fluent DSL syntax, in C#.
A Json fluent mapper.
FluentModelBuilder.SqlServer Class Library
FluentModelBuilder.Sqlite Class Library
InMemory extensions for FluentModelBuilder
Outcome.NET uses generics and a fluent interface to add metadata to your return value. It's a very expressive, clean result wrapper.
Outcome really shines when you're orchestrating complex logic, because the fluent interface makes it easy to roll up messages from multiple methods, and even from un...
Build validators for forms (IFormCollection) and queries (IQueryCollection) using a simple fluent interface
An extension for HttpMock(hibri) with concurrency support
With the current changes now this will support:
3.Private/Shared Mocks (in the context of initializing a single HttpMock server with parallel running scenarios )
An extension for HttpMock(hibri) with concurrency support for running scenario in parallel