Top 20 NuGet firebase Packages

Receive and handle firebase push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Firebase ReadStore and BackUpReadStore for EventFlow
Biblioteca para facilitar envio de Push Notification usando o Firebase Cloud Messaging do Google
Signed Xamarin Firebase - Analytics Impl assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Signed Xamarin Firebase - Analytics assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Receive and handle firebase push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
This is an SDK that helps to implement Africa's Talking APIs (SMS,Airtime,Mobile Checkout, B2C) in your Unity3D project. There are also functions that make use of the Firebase Database - a feature we are currently exploring and will like your feedback as this is still in its early stages. Feel free...
Use Google ads on xamarin forms easy way
Complex C# library for Firebase Realtime Database built on top of Firebase REST API. Among others it supports following: * Offline storage * Querying using available filters * Passing in authentication token * Streaming online changes * Directly Posting / Putting / Pat...
This is fork of step-up-labs/firebase-database-dotnet with support of Net Standard 2.1
AngularJS bindings for Firebase.
Firebase Simple Login Web Client
Platform services for
Biblioteca para facilitar envio de Push Notification usando o Firebase Cloud Messaging do Google
Biblioteca para registro e envio de notificação (Push) utilizando Azure Notification Hub.
Firebase client for .net core
Firebase binding library for Bridge.NET projects.