Top 20 NuGet fast Packages

Spreads Core library
(Unofficial) Signed Snappy.NET Library. The containing assembly was generated by signing the officially published Snappy.NET.dll. Snappy is an extremely fast compressor (250MB/s) and decompressor (500MB/s). Snappy.NET is a P/Invoke wrapper around native Snappy, which additionally implements Snap...
LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm, sacrificing compression ratio for compression/decompression speed. Its compression speed is ~400 MB/s per core while decompression speed reaches ~2 GB/s, not far from RAM speed limits.
Contains various parser optimized for speed and no allocation. This package was built from the source at
It's never been so easy to print messages to the console. With FastConsole you can print simple values or super cool text with multiple colors. You can do all of this with easy and short methods!
Fast and simple methods to get input from the console with messages, conversions and validations!
A set of fast LINQ-like extension methods for arrays and lists. Fine-tune your code for the maximum performance.
This is a fork of The only change is the assembly name (CsvParser to Knapcode.FastCsvParser), package ID (FastCsvParser to Knapcode.FastCsvParser), and the root namespace (CsvParser to FastCsvParser). The purpose of the change is to allow this lib...
Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack.Text V3 .NET's JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the NServiceKit projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension method for easy debugging and introspe...
Add the ProtoBuf binary format and endpoint to a ServiceStack web service host.
Add the MsgPack binary format and endpoint to a ServiceStack web service host.
Free and Open Source fork of NServiceKit.Host.Mvc V3 Host NServiceKit side-by-side with an existing ASP.NET MVC application at the path '/api'. NServiceKit is a modern, high-performance, code-first web service framework promoting code and web services best practices. Simple, Fast, Elega...
Ported from - A fast, low allocation, zero config, thread-safe 12 byte UUID generator based on the Mongo Object Id algorithm.
Add the ProtoBuf binary format and endpoint to a StackExpress web service host.
Add the MsgPack binary format and endpoint to a StackExpress web service host.
Fast bulk insert extensions for Dapper.
AltoHttp provides fast and easy download management
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers (3x faster than JSON.NET). Fast, Light, Resilient. Benchmarks at: Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the StackExpress projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension me...
This packages is not usable on its own. Please use instead.