Top 20 NuGet fast Packages

A library to fast deserialize xml format.
Gets the YouTube ID from a YouTube URL
Feather2 is extremely fast and lightweight network messaging system. It's kinda like WCF, without the nonsense and with scolding fast speeds. It's great for applications communicating over a network when speed, efficentcy or the one-way nature of traditional web APIs isn't a great fit.
Compare dictionaries in performant way, much faster than using linq
Associative collection like usual Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, but with comparer type preserved instead of hiding behind the interface. Enables devirtualization of calls to the key comparer. Enables reusing instances of inner array of entries via ArrayPool<T>.Shared. Provides ToFictionary() extension m...
A NEW high performance Micro-ORM Wrapper by Bunifu supporting MySQL and MariaDB with Model Generator. Rapid Applicationd Developemt (RAD) ORM Wrapper for MySQL and MariaDB (NEW). Handy and Fast MYSQL and MariaDB Micro ORM for .Net
High-perfomance extensible socket library
High-perfomance extensible socket library
Fast Async Log for .NET Core
A fork/clone of the OpenFAST project FAST is an acronym of Fx Adapted for STreaming. The goal of this project is to develop an equivalent library for Microsoft.NET platform similar to original OpenFAST version in Java. This version has extended tests and fixes for decimal usage, encryption and dec...
Fast GDI painter for Windows Forms
Very fast writeable bitmap for modifying bitmap. Content can be modified from other threads. With WPF bindings.
Fast bulk insert extensions for Dapper.
Fast, easy, unobtrusive, light-weight, and concurrency-safe cache library for NetCore and Net 5. Prevents cache stampedes and makes it easy to implement application caching.
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding.
Template Loaders for Stubble
Add integration with NUnit for QuickTestsFramework.
Add integration with MSTest for QuickTestsFramework.
Simple and easy user-persistent configuration library for .NET Capable of saving and loading nearly any object onto the disk. Designed to be as easy to use as possible via the use of the dynamic keyword, JSON and a constant striving for slimness. See here for more details: