Top 20 NuGet factory Packages

A dummy factory for Telemetry types.
A dummy factory for FileJanitor types.
A dummy factory for Diagnostics types.
A dummy factory for Logging types.
Enum-based Prometheus factory
The CB.CV project provides computer vision, image processing and light field methods based on Accord.Net to .NET.
UnitOfWork factory
.NET Standard library containing the client-side FactoryOrchestrator classes, required to interact with Factory Orchestrator Service. Also contains optional helper classes. See for more information.
A .NET Standard library containing the core FactoryOrchestrator classes. Required in all projects. See for more information.
The v4 release of the MDX Client Adapter library. This system allows developers access to the Microsoft ADOMDX system via the DB Provider Facotry subsystem and allows dynamic creation of OLAP connection strings via a connection string builder.
Set of extension methods for IFactory and SimpleInjector
Instanciate new objects using generics when their constructors have parameters.
Bussines logic encapsulation framework.
A Library that wraps an unencrypted socket server, encrypted socket server and an unencrypted web socket server.
Automatically generates strongly-typed factories based on a factory interface and a concrete type to create