Top 20 NuGet factory Packages
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. This package offersa set of Kestrel related utilities, including container probes.
The Cuemon namespace contains fundamental types such as value and reference types, factories and utility classes, interfaces, attributes and feature rich delegates that support functional programming on a whole new level. The namespace is an addition to the System namespace.
TestFactory is a utility which helps composing and orchestrating test runs. TestFactory allows to create collections of test steps and guarantees that test steps run in a specific order. The result of a test run is summarized in a test summary.
Super-set of MEF attributes. In addition to Export/Import contains attributes to support modern IOC (DryIoc) features.
Useful set of utilities and abstractions for simplifying modern data-access operations and ensuring DI compatibility. This now is a meta-package containing a collection of extensions.
Reusable utility and class library for WPF .NET Core >= 3.0 - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, ViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector, InverExtension M...
This package contains a few C# classes and interfaces to define the concept of CQRS pattern.
Base classes and helpers for building your own modules for Intent Architect.
CQRS Extensions for the standard Services designer
Domain Event types for the Intent Architect Domain designer.
The activator is a simple and fast dependency injection framework. It is based on attributes and does not require any configuration files for configuration. It also supports using static methods as component constructor.
This version is not compatible with Assemblies weaved by versions older t...
MultiPlug CFX Extension for the Connected Factory Exchange. Based on the IPC-2591 AMQP 1.0 Standard. Use this extension to push MultiPlug Events to a CFX broker.
Implementation of CommonServiceLocator for DryIoc container, see rationale at
Lightweight IoC Container based on service factory delegates generated at compile-time by DryIoc. Compile-time delegate generation minimizes run-time IoC setup time to Zero.
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
.NET Standard 2.0 - Reusable utility and class library for .NET Standard 2.0 - Featuring: ViewModel (abstract base class), Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, EventAggregator and more.
Allows dynamical creation of factory classes inside IServiceCollection, similar to Ninject's ToFactory functionallity.
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. This package offers a generic provider based metrics framework provider for Prometheus scraping.