Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Common IO functionality to load and save (segmented) blob files.
Simple extensions for ProblemDetails.
A library of extensions to core .NET functionality.
Makes using the Microsoft.AspNet.DataProtection package more convenient, especially when using IAuthenticatedEncryptor Commonly used types: AuthenticatedEncryptorExtensions EncryptorEncoding SecretKey Examples: SecretKey key = new SecretKey(new Secret(EncryptorEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Password")), ...
Geta.EPi.Extensions is library with useful extension methods and helpers for Optimizely.
Contains some basic extensions and a config helper
This package provides several extensions that make working with IDistributedCache easier including Json object serialization, get with fallback, key space partitioning and logging. In addition to these extensions there is also a strongly typed ISimpleCache<TKey, TValue> interface that provides a dep...
Kode-Aid shared common library.
Bonsai System Library containing reactive infrastructure to interface with the underlying operating system.
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
Basic set of extensions and helpers for the .NET Core Framework
This library provides various common UI helpers. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and t...
DEPRECATED - A .NET library of helpers and extensions for working with SOAP payloads in the Nancy web framework.
A F#-friendly wrapper for the Reactive Extensions.
The tiny component for generating .EPUB document on .NET
Kode-Aid shared SQL client data library.
Kode-Aid shared Redis caching library.
Collection of extensions for Microsoft Extensions DI.
Package Description
RuleValidator for entity validation base on custom rules. And this is a helper for registration