Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

MathExtensions is a library for .NET that aims to provide useful extensions methods regarding various mathematical domains, like combinatorics, sequence analysis, sequence generation, sequence manipulation, random extractions, etc.
Extends System.Security.NetworkCredential with useful methods like .HasPassword()
Base classes for Dynamics 365 plugins and workflows. Wraps the boilerplate code and offers a series of extension methods to streamline plugin and custom workflow activities development.
This is helper library for creating extensions for Next-Player music player
Very useful RavenDB extensions.
Extensions for .NET generic collections
A bunch of helpful extensions that should really be in the standard library
Contains various extension methods for collections
AsyncFirefoxDriver extensions
A set of common Database classes and extensions used to help RAD process
.NET standard class library to convert string identifiers to various code casing styles
Lightweight extensions methods (and constants) for common programming tasks: Suffixes (AsMemory, AsTime), Interpolate, Partition, Shuffle (O(n)), Softmax, InnerProduct, IsPrime, ManhattanDistance, EuclideanDistance, InClosedRange, MeanSquaredError, EqualsWithTolerance, HsVtoArgb, Scale, Fit and man...
Saraff.Twain.NET Extensions (LINQ to TWAIN).
This package includes Windows.System.Launcher like APIs cross-platform such as: - Launcher for launching a default app associated with a specified file or URI.
Extensions to make MvvmCross bindings more F#-ish