Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Omnifactotum.NUnit: Provides helper and functional classes for testing with NUnit.
Omnifactotum.Wpf is the ultimate solution for WPF .NET developers who want to streamline their development process. It provides its own helper and functional types as well as the extension methods for the standard .NET types. It's the perfect way to reduce errors and save time, allowing developers t...
This package has been replaced by Diagonactic.CoreTypeExtensions - Use that instead
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration with helpers like GenerateSummary().
Reactive Extensions Advanced Flow Library contains the Reactive-Streams enabled extension methods to build non-blocking backpressured flows, plus support for Single (1 element or 1 error) and Completable (1 complete or 1 error) reactive types.
Provides extensions methods for System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{T}
Roman numerals extensions.
Extension methods for MVC development
Reactive Extensions for Xamarin Android Core Module
.NET library with useful extensions. Contains many extensions. It's first version of Mtn.Library portable. It's not ready for production yet
Package Description
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Package Description
Extensions for Entity Framework 6 migrations. Supports table and column descriptions, default values and always encrypted columns.
Provides extensions to Castle.Windsor to use Owin Per-WebRequest Lifestyle
Useful extensions for C#
IDotNet Mvc