Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Interactive Extensions for JavaScript library.
Interactive Extensions for JavaScript library with additional operators.
This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) bindings for WinJS to abstract over the event binding, and promises.
Provides various utilities (simple parsers, Int64 encoders) and extension methods for Collections, SQL client and XDom.
MVVM-Sidekick ============= MVVM密友 =================== A Modern light-weight MVVM framework based on RX and TPL await 轻量级MVVM框架,基于RX与 await等新技术 [微博] [twitter] [Mail] ...
A set of .NET extensions for jQuery dataTables, jQuery Flot and jqPlot so that you can create the objects in C# and then JSON serialize them to the Web Forms or ASP.Net MVC views.
A library that I tend to create for just about every project... contains extensions and other things that I find useful, you might too (or maybe not).
A library that I tend to create for just about every project... contains extensions and other things that I find useful, you might too (or maybe not).
Ninject binding extensions for Scyano.
NHibernate.Dice are extensions for NHibernate ISession. Currently supported: dirty check for entity properties.
MainBrain utils provide extension methods to common types like IEnumerable, Stream etc...
The Swiss army knife, or pragmatic ninja toolbelt, for dotnet core helpers. Pure 100% managed C# code, with as little dependencies as possible.
Linq extensions for ordered sequences. They have better perfomance in comparison to standard extensions. They don't enumerate entire sequences into HashSet<T> or lookup. With these you can lazily handle very large or even infinite sequences as long as they're ordered. Concat, Distinct, Except, Group...
Base Class Library Extensions for C# base class library types like System.String.
C# StringExtensions Library provides comprehensive string extension methods that go behold just the common string validation methods extending the .Net System.string class
This is Code eXtension version for Windows forms, comprising of CodeX, simple extensions for Windows form objects. It also includes Rich form and Rich Console, which can provide Metro look to your Windows forms.
Entity Framework utilities
The core of the Accord.NET Extensions Framework. The framework is an extension framework for Accord.NET and AForge.NET. Contains classes needed for other libraries such as: collection extensions, structures for parallel processing and extensions shared across libraries.