Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

The minimal set of dependencies to produce NUnit extensions and addins.
WixNuGetPackager enables the distribution of Windows Installer XML (WiX) libraries and extensions using NuGet packages. WixNuGetPackager is itself distributed as a NuGet package which can be installed in WiX library or extension projects. Once installed in a project, WixNuGetPackager extends the bui...
Common components of the UsefulDataTools.
Base classes develop Entity Extensions
Extension methods library
Generic Extension Methods is a class library of extension methods to help create cleaner code that is easier to maintain and provides better semantic meaning for casual observers. These methods also remove a lot of repetitive code that is utilized across objects of similar types
To words extensions.
A very simple class for creating a disposable observable unsubscriber class by passing in a generic type.
Some DateTime extensions: > IsFromFuture > IsFromPast
Some IList extensions: > SetWithRandomElements
Some StringBuilder extensions: > Trim
扩展 C# 的类
Extension methods for Array
This library contains the directory/file extension methods. Can be used as directory/file utility.
This library contains the directory/file extension methods. Can be used as directory/file utility.
Package Description
This package contains some extension methods for Exceptions and Enums. Also contains a PredicateBuilder for Expressions.
A library for Extension Methods.