Top 20 NuGet express Packages

Express Micro Permissions allows you to micro manage user defined permissions. Create permissions and permission groups and assign to users. It works with EF Core and SQL Server
Simple and effective C# Generic Repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 models. Use of generics and async makes eliminates complexity without sacrificing features.
Express.js style web application framework for .NET
Express-like flash messages for ASP.NET MVC
The template of express.
Test harness for IIS Express
This is a boilerplate templates for ASP.NET Core Web Applications with a modern UI based on AdminLTE.
This module helps you search across all your persistent classes and present a unified search result
丰桥的SDK(.NET Core 3.1)
A similar kind of httpserver known from frameworks such as Express (NodeJs). Very minimalistic and easy to work with.
This Package provides a similar kind of httpserver as in frameworks such as Express from NodeJs, very minimalistic and easy to work with.
Package Description
Simple wrapper for running IIS Express