Top 20 NuGet events Packages
Network library supporting: TCP, UDP, RSA, events and objects. Fast and simple, with only 48bit overhead per packet. Send and receive packets with async operations.
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The Waher.Events.Persistence project creates an even sink that stores incoming (logged) events in the local object database, as defined by Waher.Persistence. Event life time in the database is defined in the constructor. Searches can be made for historical events.
An async / await wrapper of TwitchLib that supports multiple bots in multiple channels with an interface allowing you to create your own data-access-layer or in-memory service.
Events helps you create automation in your tenancy.
Contains LowLevelKeyboardHook and LowLevelMouseHook. Features:
- Global key handling and cancellation
- Allows handling combination like 1 + 2 + 3
- Only one Up event per combination
- Handle special buttons like Mouse.XButton
- Optimized, runs hooks in a separate thread. Does not cause freezes when...
Eventso subscription JSON message deserializer using Utf8Json library
A set of messaging pattern implementations built on PRI.Messaging.Primitives
This is an official .Net Core Api library for Zidium monitoring system
Send log events to custom topics in Azure Event Grid
Provides an Azure Blobs-based data bus storage implementation
Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed applications for desktop and mobile platforms. With Zyan you can publish any .NET class for remote access over the network. Zyan is highly customizable and provides you with tools to build modular and plugable distributed applications.
Module which allows subscribing and raising asynchronous application level events.
Module used for registering cron based scheduled events.
Base module used for registering scheduled events.
Module used for registering timer based scheduled events.
.NET standard common
Module which allows raising delayed application level events.
Provides distributed message routing over Redis using StackExchange.Redis.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- RedisAppMessageRouter.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application...
Produces from NuGet packages System.Reactive Observables for all events within the target framework.
Provides distributed message routing over named pipes.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- PipeAppMessageRouter.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application ecosystems.