Top 20 NuGet error Packages
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
An MVC ErrorController with corresponding shared views, and configuration settings. When installed the added files will adopt your project's root namespace.
ElmahR module implementing a full fledged errors dashboard
ElmahR persistence module for MongoDB
ExceptionBase.NET will catch exceptions that may occur in your app and send them to a clearly arranged online interface where you can manage them and view every detail, from the used operating system down to the stack trace. This will allow you to find bugs in your app easier and more quickly.
ELMAH extension that generates Fiddler SAZ traces
Get ASP.NET and IIS custom error pages right. Install this package and then customize the pages in the Error folder to match the look of your site.
Adds support for sending crash reports to your C++ native Windows app.
An MVC package that simplifies error handling.