Top 20 NuGet enumerable Packages

TypeScript implementation of an AVL tree, a self-balancing binary search tree, with enumerable/iterable collections like set and map.
A library with better semantics for list manipulation
Sequences is a port of Scala's Stream[+A] to C#. A Sequence<T> is an immutable lazy list whose elements are only evaluated when they are needed. A sequence is composed by a head (the first element) and a lazily-evaluated tail (the remaining elements). The fact that the tail is lazily-evaluated, ma...
Simple paging model and extension methods to help page data.
.NET types extensions.
The Enumerable2 class.
Linq extensions that helps iterate enumerables in batches
Contains the set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T> and ICollection<T>
Contracts and implementations for working with data readers and collections as well as providing means of conversion between them.
An asynchronous implementation of the iterator pattern for .NET Standard 2.0.
LINQ-like fluent extension methods for asynchronously enumerable sequences.
Memory efficient psuedo-randomly permuted enumerator for C#/.NET to enumerate gigantic ranges.
A set of extension methods for strings, enums, Dates, Dictionaries and an Update method for LINQ.
Delimited string enumerator. An extension to enable more control over flat delimitted strings using minimal memory.