Top 20 NuGet entityframeworkcore Packages
Entity Framework Core extensions.
Enables most async methods to use ISpecification.
Azure Cosmos provider for Entity Framework Core.
The `[IndexColumn]` attribute that is the revival of `[Index]` attribute for EF Core. (with extension for model building.)
This package also provides [PrimaryKey] attribute.
Generic tools for EntityFrameworkCore
Extends Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer with bulk insert capabilities.
Schema validation and testing components for Entity Framework Core.
Enables reverse engineering an EF Core model from a data-tier application package (DACPAC).
GraphQL Helpers for EF Core - Connections, Selection from Request and More
Provides abstractions and attributes that are used to configure Entity Framework Core
Advanced repository and unit of work pattern implementations for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore. Implements 'Repositive.Abstractions' contracts.
ToPage extensions for EF Core
Yarn Entity Framework Core Provider
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
Package Description
Version 3.0.0
A library that improves SQLite based Entity Framework Core test run speed.
A simple generic data context using EFcore.
A simple test helper that allows use of sqlite in memory based on MS example.