Top 20 NuGet entityframeworkcore Packages

Visualize model created with EntityFramework Core in ASP.NET Core app. 1. Install the NuGet package 2. Use AddEfDiagrams() extension method in Configure() method of your Startup class to add middleware. Specify your DbContext type instead of ApplicationDbContex...
SharpRepository generic repository implementation for Entity Framework 1.1 and 2
An extension for EntityFrameworkCore that provides Auditing, Concurrency Checks, JSON Complex Types and writing history to Transaction Log.
With EFCore.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework Core or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about t...
PineBlog; a light-weight blogging engine written in ASP.NET Core MVC Razor Pages, using Entity Framework Core.
提供添删改查和分页查询 A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
NetTopologySuite support for the Teradata Entity Framework Core Provider.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Custom JWT Token system template with EntityFramework Core on ASP.NET Core Web API. This package contains: JWT Token system on .ASP Net Core and EntityFramework Core with Repository Pattern Ip limitation
EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSql is an ORM, created at the top of the Firebird ADO.NET (FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient) Data Provider. It allows you to use Entity Framework Core 2.0 as an extension, to access Firebird (2.x, 3.x, 4.x)
Supports the use of Entity Framework Core. CSLA .NET is an application development framework that reduces the cost of building and maintaining applications. The framework enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsulates all business, authorizatio...
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
Extends Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational with some raw SQL methods. Directly invoke ExecuteScalar/ExecuteReader on DbContext. Bulk update and delete rows.
Persistance layer for stocks using Entity Framework Core. .NET Standard 2.0
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core source files.
Infrastructure for annotation based model building for EF Core.
EntityFrameworkCore support for Nodatime in SqlServer
Generic tools for EntityFrameworkCore
Extensions for querying EF Core with AutoMapper projections.