Top 20 NuGet entityframeworkcore Packages

Package Description
EntityFramework Core for SqlServer
A simple and extensible library to map DTOs (or anything!) using powerful expressions.
EntityFrameworkCore extensions. Handling async on queryables
This package is written to automatically migrate pending migrations. It was written for use especially when deploying in a docker environment. It has support for serilog and microsoft loggers.
A simple tool that helps with common scenarios while using Entity Framework Core command-line tool (dotnet-ef) Enables these commonly used commands: dotnet ef-contrib recreate dotnet ef-contrib squash dotnet ef-contrib add dotnet ef-contrib remove dotnet ef-contrib config
Extensions for the DbContext class to configure the annotations provided in EFTimestamps.Annotations
Annotations to mark your props within your entities to be treated as timestamps for creation and last modification
Extends DbContext: BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge
Paquete de acceso a datos en bases de datos Sql con EntityFrameworkCore
Adds extension methods to an EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext to perform a SQL MERGE between a DbContext Entity and another table.
基于 EntitityFrameworkCore 实现了 BootApp.ApplicationLayer.Abstractions 的新增、删除、修改、列表、分页以及单个查询的公用 EfCoreCrudService 应用层服务。
A data access implementation to make easy CRUD, find and pagination data, applying repository pattern using Entity Framework.
A data access implementation to make easy find and pagination data, applying repository pattern using Entity Framework.
An abstraction for data access to make easy CRUD operations, find and pagination data, apply and use repository pattern.