Top 20 NuGet entityframeworkcore Packages

Base classes for cross-platform database management
Proveedor de conexión a bases de datos Oracle para Entity Framework Core
Generic Repository Pattern EFCore - Basic properties for the database model. An event to work with the database. An abstract EMEntity class has been added that does not require the implementation of the IEMEntity interface when inheriting. Общий шаблон репозитория EFCore - Основные свойства для моде...
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore.EntityFrameworkCore services in .NET Core application.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.EventStore.EntityFrameworkCore services in .NET Core application.
Sometimes Entity Framework Core connection to the SQL Server or SQL Azure ends with timeout or service unavailable exception. If you want just to retry connection then use this library.
Retrieve the primary key (including composite keys) from any entity
Reactive extension wrappers for hot observables of Entity Framework entities
Implementations of ASP.NET Core Identity IPasswordValidators
Datalayer base code for .NET application using EF Core
Data Access Layer for SQL Server over EntityFrameworkCore for MicroNetCore.
Support to using EF6-like api in EntityFramework Core 3.x
Provides a simple generic implementation of the Repository Pattern for Entity Framework Core.
Simple Generic Repository abstraction to help us with Entity Framework Core
support AddOrUpdate method for entity framework Core.