Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Package Description
Creates and configures custom user types for Entity Framework
Configuration.EntityFramework.Localization provides custom localization components. These components leverage Configuration.EntityFramework for persistence
The RESTier EntityFramework Provider contains classes to access data sources exposed with Entity Framework library. This package contains original RESTier Entity Framework Core provider from Microsoft retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1
The RESTier Core contains framework classes like API-related logic, query inspector/filter/expander/sourcer/executor, convention-based logic like model builder. Part of a framework for authoring rich api data and logic over a data source proxy. Retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1
A diagnostic analyzer for common EntityFramework performance issues.
EntityFramework classes and utilities
Package Description
Using Entity Framework, provides data repository interfaces, etc.
[Deprecated] Bulk operations extension library for Entity Framework Core.
Package Description
Abp.EntityFramework Extensions
This package contains helper classes that simplify tedious tasks that are repeated in Entity Framework Core 1.0.
Extending from Mehdime.Entity : Add Transaction Committed Event
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extension Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Application With EntityFramework. ForExample : Implementation Of Custom DbContext, DbContext Extension Method, DbSet Extension Method, ...