Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Package Description
Use Object.Assign like syntax in LINQ to Entities
A provider that connects the RESTier to an Entity Framework based data source proxy.
Entity framework 6.x migration provider for SQLite
Entity Framework Tools
ASP.NET Core Identity by default uses string as primary key, using GuIdentity you will have guid as a primary key.
Entity framework 6.x migration provider for DB2
Package Description
Adds enums support to Entityframewok.
Common library for MVC applications leveraging EF fluent api, IoC, and Repository patterns.
Technifiser EntityFrameworkCore Custom Abstractions
Permite agregar un repositorio basado en EntityFramework
EntityFramework.Guardian separate package for entities
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extension Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Application With EntityFramework. ForExample : Implementation Of Custom DbContext, DbContext Extension Method, DbSet Extension Method, ...
helps with filtering on a XML field in sql server