Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

WCF RIA Service for Code First Model
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Entity Framework base library for performing Data orientated tasks. Designed to be used in conjunction with code generated using the DHGMS Nucleotide library.
Best practices for Entity Framework 5
Entity FrameWork Database Seeder from Excel
Implementation of data patterns in Entity Framework
Provides common data access for .NET applications.
Enables mapping of simple Linq queries from one type to another
Brandy is a framework for fast start and rapid web application development
Easily switch branches from HG or Git for Entity Framework Projects
An (extremely) lightweight UoW implementation for Entity Framework.
An implementation of the RepositoryPatternDotNet interface for Entity Framework.
Provides support for features specific to Entity Framework in Linq to Querystring
This assembly contains base runtime components such as the MEF container.
This package is extension for Entity frame work to use Unit of work pattern and generic repository. User does not need to create repositories for each Module, Just use this package in Business layer and this package will have repository for it. This also tracks the history for the records that gets ...