Top 20 NuGet elasticsearch Packages

ElasticSearch storage for CacheCow Server
ELK for log4net 1.2.10
ELK for NLog
Use this library to help create your elasticsearch based solutions on Azure Web and Worker Roles. It manages the installation of Elasticsearch, Java, and any plugins you provide. All new instances are automatically added to the cluster using automatic discovery. It also comes with ...
An NLog target that utilises the elasticsearch low level client.
Identity Provider for Elasticsearch
AspNetCore ElasticSearch Identity Provider
RequestLogger that can be used with ElasticSearch.
A simple .NET wrapper for ElasticSearch.Net
An abstraction layer for supporting pagination in Elasticsearch.
apiTracker elasticsearch log
Adaptation of ElasticLINQ library to target .Netstandard 1.6 and .Net 4.6 by Regulus Systems Ltd as part of the Lynicon ASP.Net Core CMS project
A small package that makes Elasticsearch setup easier and also adds linking indexes possible
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data so you can discover the expected and uncover the unexpected.
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
TraceListener for ElasticSearch and kibana
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging posting to ElasticSearch
Foundation to access ElasticSearch