Top 20 NuGet elasticsearch Packages

BYteWare XAF Module
ElasticSearch core library
Package Description
Package Description
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
FivePower.Geetest是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的极验验证操作类库。支持滑动验证码。
FivePower.ElasticSearch是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的Elasticsearch操作类库。
Content management library ElasticSearch search
log4net.ElasticSearch.NEST is a log4net appender, based on the log4net.ElasticSearch package, for easy logging of exceptions and messages to ElasticSearch indices using the NEST package.
Ding.Elasticsearch是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的Elasticsearch操作类库。
Helper functions and utilities to access an instance of ElasticSearch
This Library provides the means to dynamically create an implementation of an interface. This instance will be custom made for the fields of the csv. There will always be a Version field that is added but that also means that the csv can't contain a version field.
Search abstraction