Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

Interfaces for Application Services
Plato.Security .NET Core library
Plato.Radis .NET Core library
Plato.Cache .NET Core library
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
Provides Rezolver support for the .Net Core Generic Host
Plato.Autofac .NET Core library
.NETCore fork of R.NET with support of R version 3.5.0 and later (tested with 3.5.2) A .NET interoperability library to access the R statistical language runtime from .NET languages. The library is designed for fast data exchange, in process.
Fuzzy-matching using Jaro-Winkler distance to calculate similarities between two strings.
This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI. This will help streamline the Aurelia build process and enable rapid development in an integrated environment. You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all...
Bing.Biz.OAuthLogin是Bing应用框架的第三方授权登录类库。 Bing是一个.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在于提升小型团队的开发能力,由常用公共操作类、架构基类、第三方组件封装、第三方业务接口封装等组成。
Interfaces for Web Automation
Interfaces for Serialization
Interfaces for REST Clients
Wrapper library in order to communicate with LibGio/GLib (GSettings, DBus, ...) in Linux. The idea is to have something better than calling a command line process for each GSettings setting, etc.
Ding.SafeOrBit是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的一个安全工具集,包括不同的高性能算法和易于使用的类,用于高级内存保护。
ZML: The XML Razor ZML is a tagged programming language designed to create Razor Views/Pages that do not have to contain any C#, VB.NET or F# code, so the Razor entirely looks like a normal XML file, that is valid to use in any ASP.NET app regardless of the programming language it uses. For more det...
Implementation of RESTful Services using ASP.NET Core
Implementation for Domain Entities