Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

Implementation for Http using default system implementation
Default implementation of parsing for standard data types
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Implementation for messaging using MediatR
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
Implementation for CSV Serialization using CsvHelper
Implementation for mapping using AutoMapper
Application layer implementation
Fork of AsyncPoco with support for array based parameters in postgresql and sql server
Memory queues support for SQL Server job storage implementation for Hangfire
Seleniumplus is a C# .Net Core Selenium extension to make Web UI interactions easier like click in a html element or send text to a input text.
This is forked from riskfirst/riskfirst.hateoas and will hopefully be decommissioned when and if our PR is merged into the main repo. An implementation of HATEOAS for aspnet core web api projects which gives full control of which links to apply to models returned from your api.
Implementation for Excel reading and writing using EPPlus
Plato.DomainEvents .NET Core library
Default implementation of parsing for standard data types
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Implementation for messaging using MediatR
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
Implementation for Excel reading and writing using EPPlus