Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

A collection of mathematical function and data structures written in C#. Numerical comparison, vector geometry, polynomial, root solver, statistics, GPS and clustering, and abstract bitmap and draw functions.
A collection of GPS track readers suporting GPX, TCX and KML. Source can either be a string, file or directory.
ASP.NET Core Middleware for github:https: // related blogs:
An implementation of an actor designed to integrate with C#'s async/await.
This is a version of FlexCel that runs in dotnetcore. There is no graphics support (rendering, exporting to pdf, etc) until a graphics library is official for dotnetcore.
A helper library for implementing Pact tests using Bekk.Pact.Provider package
A library for implementing Pact consumer tests
1:增加Excel读取为DTO对象功能 2:增加了一些扩展方法(比如两个字典或两个集合比较是否相等的扩展方法...)
Small library without dependencies to do CQRS in a project.
Type-safe, easy and power configuration framework for .NET developers
Implementations of missing dotnet core Azure Service Bus NamespaceManager functionality around Topics/Subscriptions, Relays, Hybrid Connections and EventHubs.
图片处理服务为图片文件提供以下功能: 对图片进行缩略操作 图片缩放、裁剪、旋转 获取图片格式、大小、色彩模型信息 提供数码相机照片的可交换图像文件格式 图片添加图片、文字、图文混合水印 计算图片的平均色调
Weave.Base是基于weaving-socket的网关应用框架的通用接口类库。 修复core无法断开连接问题
Util.Ui.Angular.AntDesign是Util应用框架的Ant Design Angular Ui封装类库。 Util是一个.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在提升小型团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类)、分层架构基类、Ui组件,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装,配套代码生成模板,权限等组成。
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The Instigator library has the necessary components ...
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The main library for the FhirStarter engine. Contai...
AspNetCore EventGrid Debug Viewer.
Fork from official v1 PayPal .NET SDK ported to DotNet Core.