Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

Package Description
OFX file parser for .Net Core
Creates a "clean architecture" project setup for a MVC / WebApi / Blazor project.
A collection of extension methods to IQueryable and IEnumerable that enable easy and performance Soundex searches
A collection of extension methods to IQueryable and IEnumerable that enable easy and performance Levenshtein searches
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. For more information, refer to
Kronoc.Client is a library which allows you integrate project with Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
Kronoc.Core is a main library for Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
A .NET Library for interacting with GovDelivery's Communications Cloud API v1.1.
A set of .net utilities to make it simple to implement the clean architecture. Mainly file, error and JSON object presenters.
Repository for EntityFrameworkCore, DocumentDb, etc
Application Insights Tracing module for ASP.NET Core DotVVM
A library for implementing Pact provider tests
A base code library for implementing Pact tests
interface for implementation of a plugin for de.kuerschner.core http server in dotnet core.
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Manga $ dotnet new manga It creates a .NET Solution with a layered backend (Domain - Application - Infrastructure - WebApi) with the Clean Architecture Style.