Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Provides classes that support querying of cached data from NCache Enterprise.
Caching provider for NHibernate using NCache Professional.
Caching provider for NHibernate using NCache OpenSource.
Prometheus statistics Handler for Apache Kafka consumers and producers in .Net
A DotNet global tool based on MSBuild to manipulate source code projects.
Web-related abstration layer for Zen
A fluid, seamless middleware.
Dgraph4Net is based on dgo (, a Dgraph client for GoLang.
Dgraph4Net is based on dgo (, a Dgraph client for GoLang.
Baseline module for relational database adapters for Zen
.Net Commons project for App base configuration.
Install the package: $ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitectureTemplate::1.8.3 The full clean project: $ dotnet new cleanarchitecture
CilTools.Runtime reads Common Intermediate Language (CIL) bytecode of methods in external process's CLR instance using ClrMD.
Library that allows to host MS Excel interface in Windows Forms application as a user control
The Fetch_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the HttpWebRequest. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.5 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.5 and above. Fetch_dotNET provides the Fetch API for your networking needs. Fetch will seem familiar if you have us...
A consolidation NuGet of multiple nugets, all aimed at making some QoL improvements, like .Batch() for IEnumerable Linq and an IOC json "dbcontext" and generic repository
A library designed for various types of tasks. Part of the RIS "ecosystem".
The core functionality of DotNet Outdated as a library which allows you to embed it into your own applications
A .NET source generator for creating simple value objects without too much boilerplate for Equals, GetHashCode and operators overloads/implementations.
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