Top 20 NuGet dotnet-new Packages

ASP.NET Core API based on DDD
ASP.NET Core API based on DDD
Pretty much full project template for creating a worker service.
BenchmarkDotNet Templates
Wox Plugin template for dotnet-new.
LINE Login Item Templates
A boilerplate repository for creating discord bots.
This is a project template for Redis Cluster + Docker + .Net Core 3.1 API, using `dotnet new -i Superwalnut.RedisClusterTemplate` to install project as a template, And using `dotnet new redis-dotnet-core` to create a project with the template.
Professional .NET Core templates complete with CI, Docs, and more. Supports library, Akka.NET, and ASP.NET Core application types.
Adds special files for GitHub repositories, including a .github folder.
Package Description
NuGet Lib
Templates for Avalonia.FuncUI
Project templates for creating Nunit test project that uses Selenium and Enigmatry.Selenium.Tools NuGet package.
Templates to use when creating an application for Spells stack.
Starter Template for ASP.NET Core and SPA
Templates for creating WPF applications with MahApps.Metro and TinyLittleMvvm.
Template for SharpPad project using .NET Core 3.0.