Top 20 NuGet dotnet-new Packages

Templates to simplify your work, especially for test automation. First package included is an integrationFixture template:
Templates to use when creating an application for the Intelligent Plant Industrial App Store.
Configurable Clean Architecture template containing the DDD + CQRS approach for .NET Core applications.
Simple FSharp project templates
A 'dotnet new' template for creating a console application that supports async
Templates for Automata-based projects.
多奇教育訓練製作的 "dotnet new" 範本套件
A collection of blazor templates.
Template for creating a GitHub Action workflow for CI for .NET
Project template for getting started using DBConfirm with NUnit and SQL Server
Project template for getting started using DBConfirm with MSTest and SQL Server
Templates to use when creating applications targeting Stormancer servers.
Templates to use when creating common files.
Templates to use when creating an Goke Blazor project.
.NET project template for creating a new solution based on the DEVDEER solution conventions.
Templates to use when creating a web app that signs in users or a protected web API with the Microsoft identity platform (and call downstream APIs)
Templates that creates files to enforce coding conventions.
Template for creating frends tasks.
Templates to use when creating an application for Mila Framework.
Contains custom dotnet templates for Spectre Systems