Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Template for ASP.NET Core 2.2 WebApi + Vue.js Client app with webpack and hot reloading
Package Description
Shortcut to throw exceptions to make defensive programming fun and more effective. Non intrusive.
libgrpc_csharp_ext compiled for arm7, deploys with linux-arm runtime identifier. See: for a walkthrough
Over then 100 financial formulas : - 32 for General finance; - 10 for Banking; - 02 for Bonds; - 26 for Corporate finance; - 02 for Markets finance; - Stocks 28;
Wiz DotNet Core Gateway Template
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
gRPC Template configured for a RaspberryPi Client. Includes a nuget reference to ARM32 compiled native library (libgrpc_csharp_ext v1.1.0) necessary for gRPC to work on the pi, and quick scripts for publishing and deploying to your pi. It demonstrates both client/server communication using gRPC...
Dotnet tool to manage your templates from a shared git repository, instead of local folders or nuget feeds. I needed a tool to make it easier to use a git repository and could not find a tool to manage this for me. So, this initial version does just that.
webapi template with RabbitMQ. Dockerfile, docker-compose, xUnit are included. After creating webapi-rabbitmq application, run "dotnet restore" in project folder, to get back nuget packages
Robot template with RabbitMQ. Dockerfile, docker-compose, xUnit are included. After creating robot-rabbitmq application, run "dotnet restore" in project folder, to get back nuget packages
A simple templating engine to generate valid C# classes from static text files.
Azure Table Storage configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
.NET Core Web API template
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for MusixXml files.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for authorization.
.net rest client
.net rest client