Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

.NET Core Global Tool for selecting random issues from GitHub projects that are .NET and labled upforgrabs. help wanted, etc.
The extended socket module for server and client side socket in .net framework
.NET CLI Tool to browse available Call for Papers around the globe
Package Description
Plato.Messaging .NET Core library
FutureFlag.Forms: a feature flag library designed to target Xamarin.Forms
FutureFlag: a feature flag library designed to target any .net application supporting netstandard 2.0
Thanks.NET is utility that allows you to easily thank authors of packages you are using in your projects by staring their github repository.
SVGX is a power tool for build svg symbol sprites
Package Description
base on DotBPE and Foundatio, a lightweight queue task and delay task lib
dotnet cli tool used to generate a changelog
DotNetOpen.FileService abstractions.
API Service base library for API Services.
Easily convert strings into various casing styles: camelCase, PascalCase, lower_snake_case, _underscoreCamelCase.
.Net HotReloading
.Net Standard library for using Linq to Objects to iterate in time using classes as Date, Month, Year, Decade, etc.
.Net Standard library with a lot of shortcuts fo standard classes