Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

This package contains the Monza Cloud data abstraction layer code for our API. This uses Linq to SQL to access configuratation data.
AzStudio's Azure Storage Implementation
ASP.NET CORE WebAPI with SQLServer OR Mysql
ASP.NET CORE WebAPI And Ahorize with Mongodb
Volante is a free, small, fast, object-oriented, NoSQL, embeddable database for .NET.
Garbage Collector enhancement to free all unused windows heap memory.
Data Access Library that simplifies data access to a Microsoft SQL server. Wraps SqlConnection the SqlCommand into a series of objects and methods that provide more straightforward usage. GetObjects<T>()/GetObject<T>() provides functionality to fill an object via reflection in a lightweight manner...
A few simple extension methods for the Serilog .NET logging library. Support for multiple .NET Frameworks: * .NETFramework 4.5 * .NETStandard 2.0 Please visit the project page for full documentation: *
A small library for utility methods that make your development process easier
Create stunning visualizations and responsive charts for your dashboards and data-centric applications. For more info, please visit Once installed, please visit for guidelines on how to install and activate B...
A simple library that can be used in a Win32 app to detect if it's running as native or inside a AppX / MSIX container.
AzStudio's Azure Rest Manager
Property-level and field-level encrypted json serialization utilizing Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection
Audit logging for .NET Core with EntityFramework Core support
Audit logging for .NET Core with EntityFramework Core support
MxNet MKL CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10.1 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.