Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

.Net Standard Helpers
ASP.NET CORE WebAPI with Mongodb
Digital Twin Device SDK for Azure IoT Hub
.Net core Dependency Injection helper
A library to check your arguments in a simple comfort way. This library do not use Expression or nameof. It is based on Func<T>. So no performance issue during positive argument check.
IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework. and .net standard
Package Description
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, OracleSQL, MongoDB ...
The bot filesystem - Nuget Package
配置文件的名字必须为appsettings.json。支持中文配置。方法中的泛型T表示json的结构。 使用方法: SettingHelp.Help.createSetting().getvalue<T>() 1.0.2新增: 添加getvalue<T>(string path) 方法, path为json文件中想要查询字段的路径,从根路径开始,多层路径之间用英文句号分隔, 例如 {a:b,c:{d:f}} ,想要获取值f , path为 c.d 1.0.3新增: 修改中文字符格式由GBK改为utf8
Unicorn.ViewManager 的WPF基础组件库,包含一些控件、命令等。
You can cache with memory and redis just one line with Protobuf
This package makes it possible to request GoogleMap Distance Matrix from a .Net (Both core and framework) application.
Provides various c# programming extensions for .NET.
Provides various .NET collection extensions
Adds default Twilio implementation to AzStudio
Handles AzStudio's implementation of Notification Hub API for Azure