Top 20 NuGet domain Packages

This package contains some basic Domain models togheter with a Result{TOk, TError} type.
Contains a bunch of interfaces, abstract classes, etc... to easily deal with domain driven architectures
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务注册的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务发现的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
Domain wrapper for ORM's
Simple validation library for app services and domain entities
Domain project contains entities and value objects widely used in various brazilian business domains.
Entity Framework 6 plugin for attaching the entities materialized from queries to a FluentEvents EventsContext automatically
FluentEvents is an event aggregation framework for implementing domain events and integration events in DDD applications.
Library dedicated to those who write boilerplate code just o implement another pattern or practice.
Package Description
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
Blob Storage domain models