Top 20 NuGet domain Packages

Domain level entity with Id property
A package which contains a set of abstract classes implemented following DDD (Domain-Driven design), CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) principles ready for Event Sourcing.
Working with dates and time in .NET works great, but I feel it could be more natural to work with them. new DateTime(2000, 6, 3) is less natural than 3.June(2000), isn't it?
A .NET domain name parser of the list maintained by Mozilla
DomainsBot API client
A .NET wrapper for the API that lets you search for fun and different domain names based on a search word
My package description.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the core SaltFx package and is used by most other SaltFx packages. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Application, SaltFx.Domain, SaltFx.Data, or one of ...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx application package and provides essential application tier objects. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Domain, SaltFx.Data, or one of the pre...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx data package and provides essential data tier objects. You can use this package to build your own data implementation. You may also be intereste...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx NHibernate data implementation package. Install this package if you want to use the NHibernate O/RM in your project. You may also be interested ...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx RavenDB data implementation package. Install this package if you want to use RavenDB in your project. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Appli...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx domain package and provides essential domain tier objects such as Entities, Value Objects, Repositories, and other well-known DDD concepts. You ...
What if you want to copy all or some of the properties from one object to another object? What if you want to convert from your Data Layer to your Domain Layer? Using MappingObjectsFramework that task
A light weight library for writing domain centric database applications.
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Funcionalidades do nucleo do Framework EffectiveIT
Domain model infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows