Top 20 NuGet discord Packages

A core Discord.Net library containing the Webhook client and models.
A core Discord.Net library containing the REST client and models.
A Discord.Net extension adding support for bot commands.
Shared Interfaces For BotBase Application powered by DSharpPlus
Un wrapper open-source pour créer un IP Logger facilement, et gratuitement.
An easily usable discord library for making bots, software handling discord in general
Get embeds faster, for Discrd.Net 1.0.0+rc wrapper.
An app for Seq ( that forwards messages to Discord.
An adapter for the Dotbot framework ( for Discord. Powered by Discord.Net by 'RogueException'.
Useful preconditions for Discord.Net 2.0.
Base classes for text-based games in Discord
Automatically delete command responses when the user's message is deleted.
This package expands upon Helpful Utilities to provide extensions for the Discord.NET Commands library.
EF provider for Discord.Addons.SimplePermissions