Top 20 NuGet diagnostic Packages

Diagnostic Helper, simplify subscribing to diagnostic events
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Code Fixes elements deployed in the default Analysis and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses on Code Fixes only as part of that re-factoring effort.
StyleCop helper package from Springboard 365 Ltd .
A simple REPL console into a running ASPNET application
A simple REPL console into a running ASPNET application
A sample of how to consume ETW event from C#. The NuGet package contains the source code.
Set of diagnostic tools benchmark; retry; diagnostics tools DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious...
Cegeka-Dsa diagnostic tool package
Utilities and .Net library wrappers for F#
Roslyn analyzer for enforcing null contracts
>Roslyn-based analysis and coding assistance for the OpenStack.NET SDK.
Analyzers built using the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) for Roslyn.sln.