Top 20 NuGet di Packages

Ninject integration for CoreApp
Unity integration for CoreApp
Prism6 Integration for DContainer
A convention that will resolve a type when it is the only implementation for a requested interface or abstract type that has not been explicitly registered.
MR.AttributeDI's plugin for Microsoft's IServiceCollection.
Source code for DryIoc integration with ASP.NET SignalR
The package defines a custom Unity's InjectionMember - InjectionConstructorLookup. It resolves a provided type between several inheritors of some basis type, depending on their constructor parameter signatures.
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Stateful Services
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Stateless Services
WCF helper package for Containers base package.
WebAPI helper package for Containers base package.
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Reliable Actors
Provides the implementation and extensions to use Rezolver containers in place of the standard Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection container(s)
Startup system and service registration for a DI container.
Package to facilitate bootstrapping Reliable Services that require Reliable Collections upon construction.
An unofficial Unity implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.
SpecFlow plugin for using SimpleInjector as a dependency injection framework for step definitions.
Container that creates mocks for all the dependencies of a class.
Attribute-driver Service Registration for .NET Core
Lightweight IoC container