Top 20 NuGet di Packages

This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use structuremap
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use Autofac
Advanced registration methods for Simple Injector DI framework.
A flexible auto-registration module that extends Simple Injector Inversion of Control IoC container ( By default, this will register the basic types with simple registrations, including more complex generics. It also adds support for your IEnumerable<>, Lazy<>, and Fun...
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use Ninject
A simple Inversion of Control library for performing service location and dependency injection.
Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with WCF. This project includes a bespoke InstanceProvider that creates a child container per client connection and disposes of all registered IDisposable instances once the connection is terminated.
Qi4CS is aimed to increase coding efficiency and productivity by introducing easily adaptive features from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Composite Oriented Programming (COP), and Dependency Injection (DI). This is the core package required for all projects using Qi4CS.
Qi4CS is aimed to increase coding efficiency and productivity by introducing easily adaptive features from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Composite Oriented Programming (COP), and Dependency Injection (DI). This is the SDK package allowing generating Qi4CS assemblies at runtime.
SimpleInjector dependency injection library adapter for FluentDataAnnotations.Mvc
Contains files needed to configure Ninject dependency injection for an Mvc 4 project
Thin Di Abstraction implemented with Ninject
An extension of Kekiri to support SimpleInjector-aware ScenarioTests
Use PocketContainer to resolve dependencies for ASP.NET Web API.
A better and more natural way of defining dependencies in .Net, LINDI is a language extension that takes advantage of LINQ to specify Dependency Resolution.
Ninject application services for CQRSBase
DryIoc container implementation
DI support for Asp.Net WebApi ApiController
SimpleInjector integration for CoreApp
Autofac integration for CoreApp