Top 20 NuGet detection Packages
The fastest, most accurate tools. Deployed by millions.
Request.Browser properties will be populated with data from 51Degrees Lite Device Data. Other features
include automatic image optimisation, monitoring of network conditions and client side feature detection.
Provides automatic face detection, as well as the CropAround plugin, which can even be combined in a single request (using &c.focus=faces) to provide face-focused/face-preserving cropping.
Requires license, se...
The fastest, most accurate tools. Deployed by millions.
Request.Browser properties will be populated with data from 51Degrees Lite Device Data. Other features
include automatic image optimisation, monitoring of network conditions and client side feature detection.
Machine Learning Library that builds Spam/Ham model to be used within AspNetCore Web Api project.
The official .NET WURFL Microservice client API allows you to query the WURFL database with no need to host and update the database itself in your applications and on your servers. The speed of the client API is comparable to the speed of a local API (such as "WURFL OnSite").
The Client API relie...
Face recognition and analytics library based on deep neural networks and ONNX runtime.
Face recognition and analytics library based on deep neural networks and ONNX runtime. Gpu implementation.
The AForge.Vision library contains some computer vision classes - set of motion detection algorithms. Full list of features is available on the project's web site.
51Degrees Lite data for package. Version number is in the format 3.2.[year].[month].
MimeDetect is a library that used to identify MIME content type by analysing the file binary header with optional file extension.
Methods and extensions for prime number detection and discovery.
Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
A service to parse user-agent strings in C#.
Detect the language of a text using naive a Bayesian filter with generated language profiles from Wikipedia abstract xml, 99% over precision for 53 languages. Original author: Nakatani Shuyo.
The .net client for the ThisData API. Get contextual authentication and suspicious login detection for your apps
Library to compare two entity object graphs detecting changes
Pixelnetica Document Scanning SDK (DSSDK) — easiest way to add document scanning features into mobile applications.
Optimized for photos taken by smartphone, tablet or document camera.
Designed to ensure the smooth operation of a paperless work-flow by preprocessing paper document images, makes them...
Provides support for determining framework versions, IIS version and feature detection.
Provides the ability to detect version of .NET Framework installed on the system.
.NET Port of Language Detection Library for Java
Detect the language of a text using naive a Bayesian filter with generated language profiles from Wikipedia abstract xml, 99% over precision for 53 languages. Original author: Nakatani Shuyo.